Anti Wrinkle Relaxing Injections

Areas that can be treated include the lines around the eyes, the frown and the horizontal lines across the forehead. The lower face can also be treated to improve the lines along the top of the lip, the downturn of the mouth and the dimpling of the chin. This treatment generally lasts 3-5 months depending on the client.

This also includes a review after 2 weeks. A face-to-face consultation has to be undertaken prior to your appointment as this is a licensed product so a medical check has to be completed to check your suitability.

What Can I expect after my treatment?

You can expect to have some redness and flushing from the injection points which will subside over 24 hours. Some bruising and swelling can be evident. Avoid wearing make up for 24 hours to avoid injection. Normal activities can be resumed the same day with no downtime.